Grenadine helps to create the perfect cocktail for each taste.
Tasting Notes: Bardinet Grenadine Syrup is a popular syrup known for its sweet and fruity flavour. It is typically made from pomegranate juice and sugar, offering a vibrant red colour and a slightly tart taste.
Recommended classic food pairings: Cold and marinated fish, Cold cuts and eggs, Desserts, Fresh juices, and Frozen fruits and vegetables.
Bardinet's history dates back to 1857, when Paul Bardinet, a young liquorist from Limoges, France, founded the company. Bardinet began by experimenting with tafia, a crude alcohol made from sugar cane juice. He became a wine and spirits merchant and worked to transform the sugar cane extract into a flavorful rum.
Moving to Bordeaux Bardinet's son, Edouard, moved to Bordeaux, one of Europe's largest ports, where he built warehouses and trained master blenders.
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